Hear from members of our church what makes this community special:

"I felt at home immediately. Everyone was really sincere. No one pressured me to like this place or to join, but they just immediately incorporated me into the everyday life of the church." -Melissa

"Both of us feel that the Brighton Allston Congregational Church is a warm and supportive church with an exceptionally friendly congregation. That feeling has been especially evident in times of crises which we have been through and are going through at this present time.” Marjorie, who has become an ancestor, was a member since 1980—and John, who still comes to church, came three years later after meeting his wife-to-be." -Marjorie and John

"What I like about the church is that it is people helping people. That’s what brought me here. It’s a community of friendship, love, and hope.”-Dave 

"I'm at BACC because I enjoy being connected with my local community, and being involved with their work for justice of every kind helps me learn and grow." -Britta