Our History

The Brighton Allston Congregational Church (BACC) in its current iteration (2024) was established in 1827 and sits on the ancestral lands of the Mashpee Wampanoag, Aquinnah Wampanoag and Nipmuc peoples. 


Our history descends from a fusion of separatist and dissenting Pilgrims, Puritan reformers, and Bay Colony merchant adventurers who left England in the late 17th century, some to escape persecution, and others to forge a more prosperous life in the New World. These immigrants settled in Brighton in 1647, after the Congregational preacher John Eliot ministered with Native American residents in this part of Massachusetts. In 1744, the first Congregational church in Brighton was built on the northeast corner of Market and Washington Streets. In 1783, it was incorporated as the Third Congregational Church. The Rev. Dr. Foster served as its first pastor for 43 years. Foster Street was named after him. In the early 1800s, the Trinitarian/Unitarian controversy split scores of churches in the Northeast, including this congregation.

In 1827, twenty five members (19 of whom were women) declared independence from the Third Congregational Church, taking the name "Brighton Evangelical Congregational Church" to signify that they were remaining faithful to the Gospel -- the good news -- in professing the Trinity.  On September 13, 1827, the church was dedicated at 404 Washington St. where it still stands today. Through the decades that followed, this congregation has been faithful to its founding covenant: “We covenant to walk in love and Christian fellowship...to aid as we shall have influence and in all things…to seek peace and welfare, so long as in the providence of God we continue as members.”


The latter half of the 19th century to the early 20th century marked a period of growth for this church. In 1868, a new Gothic Revival building was dedicated on this site. Two new churches were birthed from the late 1800's congregation: The Allston Congregational Church on Quint Avenue was established in 1883 when some Brighton Church members decided to expand due to growth in Allston. The Faneuil Congregational Church on Brooks Street opened in 1917 to accommodate new families in this growing community. 

On January 16, 1921, a fire started in the basement and burned down the 1868 Gothic Revival building. However, not all of the church was lost. The Colonial Revival church that we know today was rebuilt from what was leftover and rededicated on June 25, 1922. Our current sanctuary, which is on the Registry of Historic Landmarks, was designed by Clarence Blackall, who also designed the Colonial, Wilbur and Wang Theatres. Our acoustics have a clarity and life that resounds beautifully. 

The Nearly New Thrift Store was started during WWII by the church’s Women’s Association to help the church pay for its heating oil. Today, 100% of proceeds from the Nearly New Thrift Store go to the Food Pantry. Women have historically been the driving force behind raising money for the church to fund repairs and to keep the lights on.

By 1954, the neighborhood population had leveled off, and various factors affected neighborhood growth. There were only 16 acres of open space in Brighton, curbing new development. The UCC was formed in 1957, merging congregational and reformed traditions, to weave God’s message of hope and extravagant welcome with clear action for justice and peace. The Massachusetts Turnpike came through the neighborhood in 1960, encouraging suburban flight. Boston University, Boston College and Harvard University expanded into the area.

In 1974, the Food Pantry was started because of the congregation’s desire to address growing economic need in the community. The first Community Supper was held in 1984

In 2003, the Allston Congregational Church happily reunited with the Brighton Congregational Church to form the Brighton Allston Congregational Church. This union has strengthened both.

The UCC’s many “firsts” mean that we have inherited a congregational tradition of acting upon the demands of our faith. Our denomination was the first historically white denomination to ordain African Americans, the first to ordain women, the first to ordain an openly gay man, and the first Christian denomination to affirm the right of same-gender couples to marry. UCCs were at the forefront of the anti-slavery movement and the civil rights movement.

In 2005, we voted to become an Open and Affirming Congregation in the United Church of Christ. This is our Open and Affirming Statement:  “We, the worshiping members of Brighton Allston Congregational Church, UCC, proclaim that every person seeking a spiritual home is worthy of membership in the body of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Open and Affirming ministry of this church declares that the amazing grace of God, made manifest through Jesus Christ is a gift meant for people of every race, age, ability and sexual orientation.  All people are welcome at Christ’s table and in the rites of the church. We open our hearts in welcome, and we affirm the dignity and worth of every person as we strive to be a community that Jesus is building, faithful to God and bold in Christ.”

In 2021, the church opened a free community fridge in the parking lot for families in need and added two raised garden beds in 2023 that grows fresh food for the community to take home for free.

We are committed to the Gospel and its call for social and economic justice. We are a church where Jesus the healer meets Jesus the revolutionary and where together, we serve to create a more just and peaceful world.