Get Involved!

"Justice is what love looks like in public." - Cornell West

Wednesday Community Supper

For the last 40 years, we have served a Community Supper every Wednesday from 4:30-6 p.m. that is free and open to all. Thanks to our partners at Lovin' Spoonfuls, we are also able to share bags of fruit, vegetables, breads, and desserts with dinner guests. Contact us to volunteer at the Community Supper, then add it to your resume!


Active church members are needed to serve on our volunteer committees that keep the church running. Contact us to sign up or inquire about a committee, which you can add to your resume:

  • Executive Board Committee

  • Building & Grounds Committee

  • Garden Committee

  • Trans BIPOC Pastoral Fellowship Committee

  • Finance Committee

  • Trauma Response Committee

  • Grant Committee

Bible Study

Our Bible Study meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. We usually discuss one of the Bible passages that will be included in the worship service at 10:30 am.  This is a drop-in group; newcomers are always welcome.

Young Adults Group

Our Young Adults group is open to everyone  ages 18-40. We host fun outings around Brighton and at the church once a month such as: karaoke, bowling, discussions, etc. Scan the QR code below to get connected!

Allston Brighton Food Pantry

Founded 50 years ago by late, beloved congregation member Evelyn Ware, the Allston Brighton Food Pantry provides food baskets for eligible Allston Brighton residents. Distribution occurs here at the church at 404 Washington Street, Brighton Center, on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. 

In November, there is only one distribution, two Saturdays before Thanksgiving.  There is no need to call in advance or register for these baskets which contain everything you need for a festive Thanksgiving meal. The eligibility rules about residence and ID do apply, however.

In December, baskets are distributed on the second Saturday only. 

To learn more and inquire about volunteering, go to the Allston Brighton Food Pantry website.

Gardening & Green Space

Our front garden has tables, chairs and benches open to the public to relax under a tree and appreciate the only green space in Brighton Center. 

We have a gardening group that meets once a month to do some gardening on-site! Contact us to learn more about volunteering your green thumb. 

The fresh food that we grow in the raised community garden beds (est. 2023) in the front lawn are free for you to take home!

Thrift Shop

Our award-winning Nearly New Thrift Shop (est. during WWII) is open on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 6:00 pm and on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month from 9:30am - 1:30 pm. Come here to find some great stuff, including children's clothes, books, kitchen items, and more. 100% of proceeds go to the Food Pantry to help families in need. We welcome seasonally appropriate donations during our office hours. We need help accepting and sorting donations--looks great on a resume! Contact us to learn more about volunteering. 

Community Space

Our handicap-accessible, historic building is a gathering place for the many community groups and non-profit organizations we partner with:

  • Brighton Allston Historical Society

  • The 57 Readers and Writers        

  •  Alcoholics Anonymous  

  • Allston Brighton Mutual Aid      

Our concerts

We offer a wide variety of music, poetry and creative expression. They showcase the sanctuary’s excellent acoustics and support our outreach. Contact Us to learn more.